
48 Pins
Representação da Deusa Celta Brigit
As esculturas eram uma forma de honrar e invocar a presença da deusa nos lares e comunidades. Ao criar e hospedar a escultura, as bênçãos da deusa Brigit trariam proteção, fertilidade e boa sorte. #Imbolc #Deusa #Brigid #CulturaCelta #SagradoFeminino #Paganismo ... #mitologiacelta #ritual #ilustraçãomística #bruxa #bruxariapagã #florestamágica #feitiçosmágicos #feitiçosdeproteção #empoeramentodasmulheres #históriamedieval #espiritualidade #festivaldacolheita
Using Mabon to Set Intentions for the Dark Half of the Year
Use Mabon to set intentions for the dark half of the year with reflection, rituals, and gratitude practices. Discover the significance of Mabon, create a sacred space, and perform rituals like candle magic and nature walks. Embrace this season of balance and introspection to cultivate personal growth, healing, and deeper connections with nature. Learn how to honour the harvest and prepare for the winter months ahead. Find peace, clarity, and purpose with these mindful Mabon practices.
Everything You Need to Know About Mabon | Ohm Terra
Mabon is the second of three harvest festivals and is also the Autumn Equinox. Here is everything that you need to know to celebrate. #mabon #autumnequinox #witch #witchcraft #mabonritual #mabonhistory
How to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox
The Autumn Equinox is one (of two) moments in the year when day and night are of equal length. It marks the beginning of autumn. In the northern hemisphere the Autumn Equinox usually falls on September 22 or 23, and in 2021, it is September 22. Crafts and activities include: dried fruit garland, leaf rubbing, gratitude list, corn dolly, autumn wreath, nature walk, autumn incense, and more. Continue reading on our blog for some fun ways to celebrate this time of year!
Traditional Mabon Recipes
Create an elegant Autumn Equinox feast with these ideas for traditional Mabon recipes.