🐣Poultry Reading🐣

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Pros and Cons of Keeping Guinea Fowls
So, are guineas what you’re after or not? Let’s sum up the plus points and the pitfalls of these poultry Pitbulls.
Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?
Why aren’t your hens laying? 🐔🥚 From shorter days to molting and stress, several factors can affect egg production. Learn the common reasons and how to help your flock get back on track! #ChickenCare #EggLayingTips #BackyardChickens
How Long Do Chickens Sit On Eggs? Chickens for Beginners
How Long Do Chickens Sit On Eggs before they hatch? Find out all about naturally hatching baby chicks using broody chickens. No incubator necessary. Get all of your beginner chicken homesteading questions answered.
How Many Chickens Should You Get for Your Backyard Flock?
How many chickens to get is one of the first things you need to figure out before raising chickens in your backyard. But there are other things to consider before you walk into the feed store. Learn what you need to know to determine how many chickens you really need for your backyard flock or homestead. You probably don't need as many chickens as you think.
How to Tell if Your Hen is Going to Lay Eggs Soon
The best part of getting hens is the EGGS, but it feels like it takes forever! Here are six things to know if eggs will be coming from your hen soon.
Chicken Intelligence: How Smart Are They Really?
Surprised by how clever chickens can be? Discover the fascinating intelligence of chickens and what makes them unique.
Understanding the Chicken Life Cycle: From Egg to Adult
Get a clear overview of each stage in a chicken's life, from hatching to laying eggs.
How to Safely Move Your Chickens to a New Home
Planning to move your flock? Here's how to keep them stress-free during the move!
Raising Polish Chickens: Tips and Tricks
Learn how to care for Polish chickens, from feeding to housing. Perfect for adding some flair to your flock.
Possums Eat Chickens? | The Happy Chicken Coop
Protect your flock by learning if possums are a threat to your chickens. Discover preventive measures to keep your birds safe. Click for more info!
10 Options When You Have a Rooster You Thought Was a hen
Did you recently get chicks from Tractor supply? So many times we end up with Roosters, when they say they are hens. Here are some ideas on how to take your next step with your rooster.