(15 titles)
Role / Position
Company / Director
Monga's Got a Spider Gun
Lady on Bench / Principal
Indpendent / Tim McGahren
Born in Bristol
Pickup Girl / Featured
Plan A Films / Chusy Haney-Jardine
The Resurrection of Kryst
The Angel / Lead
Massemord Productions / Jesse Ballingrud
Ground Control
Lisa Schuler / Principal / Writer
Screen Artists Co-op / Dusty McKeelan, Aaron Putnam
Libby / Principal
Pixel Pictures / Ben Carland
New School
Secretary / Supporting
Comedy Insight / Toni Sherwood
Get Real Dating
Jennifer / Lead
Comedy Insight / Toni Sherwood
Beulah Land
Janine / Supporting
Independent / Jennifer Callahan
Smothering Pillows
Melanie / Principal
Independent / Tim McGahren
Martha / Principal
Independent / Emery McGaha
The Inhabitant
Stephanie / Principal
Wicked Flicker Productions / Michael Elder
Chariots of Choir
Jesus Freak / Supporting & Writer
Cannes Deux Films / Meherdil Irani
Tall, Dark & Waterproof
Umbrella Lover / Supporting
47th Hour Films / Kerran Dunst
3 Women
Betty / Principal
Comedy Insight / Toni Sherwood
Tickets Please
Megan / Lead
Gorilla with a Mustache / Katie Damien