(17 titles)
Role / Position
Company / Director
The Addams Family Musical
Fester Addams
Riccarton Players - Clarke / Searle / Callander
A Kind of Image
Angus - Lead Actor
Riccarton Players - Doug Clarke QSM
Roland - Supporting Actor
Elmwood Players - Garry Thomas
The Killing of Sister George
Radio Recording
A Little Box at the Top of the Stairs - Garry Thomas
The Twelfth Man
Brian - Supporting Actor
Cas 'n' Ova Productions - Craig Hutchison
The Owl & The Pussycat
Owl - Lead Actor
Elmwood Players - Anna Willows
Dont Get Your Vicars in a Twist
Charles - Supporting Actor
Riccarton Players - Garry Thomas
One Season's King
Sam - Lead Actor
Elmwood Players - Doug Clarke QSM
Justin Anderson - Supporting Actor
Elmwood Players - Garry Thomas
The Near Sighted Knight & The Far Sighted Dragon
Wilfred - Supporting Actor
Elmwood Players - Garry Thomas & Susan Cameron
Arsenic & Old Lace
Teddy Brewster
Canterbury Repertory / Nataliya Oryshchuk
Kings of The Gym
Laurie Connor - Lead Actor
Riccarton Players / Boyce & Sundborn
Joseph & The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Simeon - Supporting Role
Centrestage Rolleston / Phil Dean
Who is Sylvia
Thomas - Lead Actor
Riccarton Players - Andrea Quinlan
Bad Girls The Musical
Prison Guard - Supporting Actor
Riccarton Players - Tom Hart
Fifty & Fabulous
Colin/Cynthia - Supporting Actor
Riccarton Players - Annette Searle
My Fair Lady
Followspot Operator
Showbiz Christchurch - Stephen Robertson