"Didi" is a short film, written by Michelle Gilmour-Myer, that follows the relationship of the two main characters, Lizzy and Eileen. Lizzy runs away from home after the recent death of her mother, leaving her little sister and her father ...See more"Didi" is a short film, written by Michelle Gilmour-Myer, that follows the relationship of the two main characters, Lizzy and Eileen. Lizzy runs away from home after the recent death of her mother, leaving her little sister and her father behind on Vashon Island. Lizzy returns home when she learns her grandfather left her something in his will. In debt to her father, Lizzy is surprised to find she has inherited money. She could leave again, and use the money to relieve her debt, but something more important has been waiting for her at home. Eileen, Lizzy's younger sister, feels betrayed by her sister abandoning her, but desperately wants her back. Lizzy secretly wants the close relationship with her sister to be rekindled also. Eileen has to forgive her sister, and Lizzy has to lay down her pride. All the while their father holds on to the hope that they will be a family again. This is a relatable quirky drama that centers on the relationship of two sisters and their family. Written by
Michelle Gilmour-Myer
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