The War of the Blueberries is a drama-comedy set in the lush rolling landscape of East Canada. The movie tells the story of Eva, a vigorous woman in her seventies, leading a simple and peaceful life in her native countryside, until the day...See moreThe War of the Blueberries is a drama-comedy set in the lush rolling landscape of East Canada. The movie tells the story of Eva, a vigorous woman in her seventies, leading a simple and peaceful life in her native countryside, until the day a new neighbor arrives. For years, Eva has been happily gathering blueberries in her secret patch. Her tasty blueberry upside-down cakes have become her pride. The arrival of Gabrielle, her young new neighbor from the city, is disrupting Eva's daily life when Gabrielle sets up a blueberry stand, unknowingly stealing the blueberries from Eva's patch. Eva may be old, but she has not yet had her last word.
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