In the year 2072, Earth's population reached 11 billion. The planet has become overpopulated. The world's leading space programs have combined their resources into one coalition (KOVA) and sent seven manned missions to possibly habitable ...See moreIn the year 2072, Earth's population reached 11 billion. The planet has become overpopulated. The world's leading space programs have combined their resources into one coalition (KOVA) and sent seven manned missions to possibly habitable extrasolar terrestrial planets in the hopes of finding another Earth... Eight months into their two years of planetary research, KOVA Team Delta continues to conduct surface tests on the third planet in the Solar System of the Pulsar B1257+12, nicknamed "Terminus". Team Delta, consisting of six members (Corinne Hobbs, Cyril Ackermann, Michelle Han, Neill Wright, and Parker Rhodes), is suddenly informed that due to a lack of results, their being evacuated from the planet more than a year early. Out of desperation to make a discovery, Corinne travels outside of their designated research grid where she makes the discovery that could lead to their demise.
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