Jerry follows a beautiful girl into the park, but is interrupted in his avowals of love by a park policeman. Father and the Count arrive in time to see Jerry chased away, and they decide to take daughter to the beach. Jerry is "tipped off"...See moreJerry follows a beautiful girl into the park, but is interrupted in his avowals of love by a park policeman. Father and the Count arrive in time to see Jerry chased away, and they decide to take daughter to the beach. Jerry is "tipped off" as to the plans and is on the sands when father, daughter and the Count arrive. Jerry gets busy from the start, much to the annoyance of beach policemen and the utter disgust of father and his titled friend. Jerry has a fine time with a bevy of lovely girls and enjoys himself immensely when he secludes himself in their dressing room. When they discover him, daughter shields Jerry from their pummeling, but ever-watchful police make things warm for him. Jerry's best tact is applied to getting father and the Count into a fight with the police. Jerry then signals daughter to "beat it." They escape in an automobile stolen from a parking station, but they are pursued by father, the Count and a force of policemen. The chase comes to an end when Jerry drives his "flivver" into an automobile service station. A gasoline explosion, caused by the entrance of Jerry blows him into jail. Written by
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