It is the story of Jake, a photo-journalist with "Wild World Magazine," who experiences new adventures with his wise Zulu guide, Jabali, and his two animated sidekicks - a precocious monkey named Chiku, and an easy living tiger named Tahla...See moreIt is the story of Jake, a photo-journalist with "Wild World Magazine," who experiences new adventures with his wise Zulu guide, Jabali, and his two animated sidekicks - a precocious monkey named Chiku, and an easy living tiger named Tahla. Throughout the episode, audiences will meet Maribel, the assignment editor for "Wild World Magazine," and Jake's animated email messenger Rasul (a cheetah). Along the way you'll be introduced to a wide variety of CG animals from different countries. On Safari with Jake and his friends, viewers will traverse the world meeting new cultures, exploring exotic locations, learning about wildlife, promoting healthy childhood development, good morals, and even sharing photography tips designed for children. Written by
George R. Snider III
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