"Meeting in the fog" is a GEM Group production, directed by Ahmadreza Garshasbi and tells the dramatic story of a woman named Mina who while being pregnant, decides to reconcile her parents. Much to Mina's disappointment, her parents have ...See more"Meeting in the fog" is a GEM Group production, directed by Ahmadreza Garshasbi and tells the dramatic story of a woman named Mina who while being pregnant, decides to reconcile her parents. Much to Mina's disappointment, her parents have been living separately for a long period of time over a misunderstanding. On a misty rainy night, in order to find them, her husband leaves her. While Mina is fulfilled with a strong urge to meet her parents, she suddenly faces them at home and for the first time, she finds the strength to confront them with words which have been buried deep within her soul for years. She pursues them to reach out and hold hands and cherish their shared moments once more. Feeling satisfied over her successful achievement, she awaits the return of her husband regardless of the unpleasant news which he would bring back...
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