No Strings Attached is an original documentary series that peers beneath the covers of the exhilarating and hilariously awkward world of online dating. It is a genre-bending mash-up where documentary, comedy, drama and reality-TV collide. ...See moreNo Strings Attached is an original documentary series that peers beneath the covers of the exhilarating and hilariously awkward world of online dating. It is a genre-bending mash-up where documentary, comedy, drama and reality-TV collide. It's Crank Yankers meets Creature Comforts on the set of The Bachelor. This unique and edgy series features a cast of puppets that lip-sync and re-enact real-life audio recordings of dating app users and their stories from around the globe. On the surface, No Strings Attached is an entertaining comedy, but at its heart, it is a study of modern relationships and the surprising and silly things that occur when we're trying to connect with a fellow human being.
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