Julie Renard, a young girl with a discrete passion for photography, lives on the Swedish countryside together with her wacky family. Three goofy brothers, a confused father who wishes he was French and a mother who's not often around. It's...See moreJulie Renard, a young girl with a discrete passion for photography, lives on the Swedish countryside together with her wacky family. Three goofy brothers, a confused father who wishes he was French and a mother who's not often around. It's the summer of 98', and Julie follows her brothers into the woods. After losing them, she stumbles upon a stranger with a gun. Luckily the stranger is the vivid Elsa, roughly her age with a BB-gun. They spend the next 24 hours together, defining the years of their youth and getting to know each other "well enough" to make decisions that will last forever.
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