A Heart-Warming Comedy film about a young girl who sees how boring life is in her grandmother's old folks home, then appoints herself as the activities director and organizes a Wheelchair race with all of her friends pushing the elderly in...See moreA Heart-Warming Comedy film about a young girl who sees how boring life is in her grandmother's old folks home, then appoints herself as the activities director and organizes a Wheelchair race with all of her friends pushing the elderly in what turns out to be quite a competitive race with some major cheating going on. One boy's grandfather, a sympathetic character, tells his grandson, "I don't want to be in a race. There is zero percent chance of ever winning. I never won a thing in my whole life. Get somebody else to race with you. I don't want to turn you into a 'Loser' like me." The grandson is now all-the-more determined to race and, for the first time in his grandfather's life, make him a "Winner."
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