Having been blown into outer space by Klaymen and Hoborg, the villianous Klogg lands upon a mysterious planet called Idznak. This planet is inhabited by an odd race of creatures known as the Skullmonkeys-monkeys with skulls on their ...See moreHaving been blown into outer space by Klaymen and Hoborg, the villianous Klogg lands upon a mysterious planet called Idznak. This planet is inhabited by an odd race of creatures known as the Skullmonkeys-monkeys with skulls on their heads-nice and direct. Klogg wastes no time in tricking the Skullmonkeys into being his underlings and enlisting their help in building Evil Engine Number Nine to destroy the Neverhood forever! Thankfully, though, the intelligent Skullmonkey Jerrio resists Klogg and sends a desperate plea for help to the Neverhood. This plea is intercepted by our hero, Klaymen, who quickly blasts off to Idznak to defeat Klogg and the Skullmonkeys, blow up Evil Engine Number Nine, and save the Neverhood from utter destruction! Written by
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