Kvetoliby is a small town where everything follows an unremarkable routine. One day, however, everything changes - a busy highway is being repaired, and all the traffic is diverted via Kvetoliby. The inhabitants first observe the increased...See moreKvetoliby is a small town where everything follows an unremarkable routine. One day, however, everything changes - a busy highway is being repaired, and all the traffic is diverted via Kvetoliby. The inhabitants first observe the increased traffic reluctantly, especially when the cars begin to threaten the one-hundred-year old linden, but some of them gradually begin to adjust to the new situation. The income of the local pub increases and Marta, the pub's young manager, is constantly courted by drivers from abroad, to the great displeasure of her wooer, the chairman of the Municipal National Committee himself. The women begin to dress up and visit the local hairdresser Tichácek with unprecedented frequency. Written by
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