Henry had to celebrate his engagement, but he had an awful headache the next morning. The sweetest girl in the world took her breakfast in bed, and she telephoned Henry as she dressed. Henry had just received a letter from his father, ...See moreHenry had to celebrate his engagement, but he had an awful headache the next morning. The sweetest girl in the world took her breakfast in bed, and she telephoned Henry as she dressed. Henry had just received a letter from his father, telling him that he did not begrudge the $5,000 when he remembered Henry's wife and child. He announces that he will be with them on Friday. As Henry has only just persuaded the only girl to be his, he is taken aback by the letter. But he goes to Billie and tries to induce her to come over every day and pretend to be his wife while father is there. She consents, and that leaves him only a child to find. His butler undertakes the job, and tries in vain to induce all the mothers he sees to lend him a baby. His efforts to steal one are not more successful. He finally tells Henry that he will have to steal one for himself. Henry appeals to two of his friends, who promise to help him. Father arrives with presents for the baby. Billie acts the part of wife very well, and the situation is saved by Henry's friend, who appears with a child. Father is delighted until the other friend appears with his contribution, and then he is simply wild with joy to find that Henry has two children. The butler, afraid of losing his job, resolves to get a kid or die in the attempt. Unfortunately, his choice is colored, and the mother pursues him, with a cop whom she has enlisted on her side. Father is horrified at the announcement of a colored grandchild, and Henry sees that the game is up. He confesses, and the persuasions of Billie cause him to be forgiven. Written by
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