-"La Boutique de Monsieur Nicolas" is a Quebec (Canada) television program broadcast live from February 20 to May 19, 1961 on CFTM-TV (Télé-Métropole, Montreal) in 63 black and white episodes (25 minutes each episode) / SYNOPSIS: Monsieur ...See more-"La Boutique de Monsieur Nicolas" is a Quebec (Canada) television program broadcast live from February 20 to May 19, 1961 on CFTM-TV (Télé-Métropole, Montreal) in 63 black and white episodes (25 minutes each episode) / SYNOPSIS: Monsieur Nicolas has a shop where you can buy everything. He himself is always on the lookout for a good opportunity, and nothing stops him when he sniffs out a bargain, even long and dangerous trips. In his shop you can find the most varied and unusual items, some of which are full of magical powers.
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