John Scott, a prospector, sells his mine for a large sum of money, and guarded by a posse of deputy sheriffs starts across the desert to the railroad. The party is attacked by bandits and all but Scott are killed. He, badly wounded, makes ...See moreJohn Scott, a prospector, sells his mine for a large sum of money, and guarded by a posse of deputy sheriffs starts across the desert to the railroad. The party is attacked by bandits and all but Scott are killed. He, badly wounded, makes his escape, and the next day, perishing from thirst, falls unconscious. He is found by a band of Indians, who are prevented from destroying him by Young Deer, one of their number whom Scott had befriended, and who revives the white man. Scott offers his rescuer gold, but the Indian refuses to accept anything but a watch. Scott reaches his home safely and is joyously welcomed by his wife and daughter. Some time later Young Deer is sent to the government school and makes rapid progress, He wins the championship for the Carlisle baseball team and is lionized. Scott's daughter falls in love with him and Young Deer returns her affection. Scott is furious when Young Deer asks for his daughter's hand, and offends the sensitive young man, who at that moment recognizes Scott, recalls the saving of his life and produces the watch. Scott is overcome with remorse and finally decides to let the Indian wed his daughter, but he haughtily walks out of the house, goes back to his old life, discards civilized garments and weds a girl of his race. Written by
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