Montgomery Stagg, an adventurous and penniless young man, is in love with Margery Stone. He is preparing to call upon her one evening when her mother makes her break the engagement with him for the evening in favor of one Gibson, who makes...See moreMontgomery Stagg, an adventurous and penniless young man, is in love with Margery Stone. He is preparing to call upon her one evening when her mother makes her break the engagement with him for the evening in favor of one Gibson, who makes a brilliant appearance in contrast with Stagg. Stagg, angered at his sweetheart, decides to go in the direction the wind is blowing. He turns the first corner and finds a girl huddled on the steps, weeping. This he thinks will prove an adventure, so he greets the girl and later he learns how she, a village belle, made the acquaintance of a traveling salesman, their subsequent meetings finally terminating in her agreeing to draw all her funds out of the bank and meet him in the city, where they would be married. Arriving in the city, he got possession of her funds and left her alone in the hotel, and they, finding she was penniless, threw her out. She is just on the verge of committing suicide, when he comforts her and tells her he will take her to the hotel. Stagg is embarrassed when he finds he has no money, and as a last resort takes the girl to his rooms, making her comfortable, while he spends the night in the park. Margery calls him up and finds a strange woman in his room. Next morning Stagg returns to his room in an angry mood. The girl meets him and comforts him, offering him a cup of coffee, which he refuses. Margery bursts in, sees them at the table and haughtily breaks her engagement with him, throwing Stagg's ring at him and leaving in a huff. Stagg is in a quandary. He accuses the girl of being the cause of his troubles and she breaks down and shows him a picture of the man who has wronged her. Stagg determines to win Margery back, and going to her house, finds her engaged with Gibson, just having agreed to his proposal of marriage. He recognizes Gibson as the man who has wronged the girl in his room, and getting the girl, denounces him for what he is, forcing him to return the money. Written by
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