Foster, a young married man in comfortable circumstances, gets drunk and attacks his wife. Realizing that he cannot control his appetite for drink, Foster settles all his property on his wife and goes away. Foster drifts to the mines; his ...See moreFoster, a young married man in comfortable circumstances, gets drunk and attacks his wife. Realizing that he cannot control his appetite for drink, Foster settles all his property on his wife and goes away. Foster drifts to the mines; his craving for liquor keeps him down. Through all his misfortunes he clings to a little tin box containing a Masonic emblem. Thirty years pass. Foster, changed beyond all recognition, returns to his old home. He finds that his daughter has married and has two pretty children. Foster saves the children from being injured in a gunpowder explosion, but is mortally wounded himself. The derelict tries to conceal the trinkets which will identify him. His son-in-law discovers the old man's secret, and destroys all evidence of his identity. Written by
Moving Picture World synopsis
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