Fabricating Tom Zé is a documentary that portrays the life and work of one of the most controversial Brazilian musicians, having as its backdrop Tom Zé's 2005 European Tour. The documentary mixes different video, film and animation formats...See moreFabricating Tom Zé is a documentary that portrays the life and work of one of the most controversial Brazilian musicians, having as its backdrop Tom Zé's 2005 European Tour. The documentary mixes different video, film and animation formats in order to show a detailed vision of Tom Zé's personal musical universe, in which a guitar and a vacuum cleaner have the same melodic importance. In intimate interviews, he narrates different parts of his life and tells us about his musical debut in the early 60s, his downfall during the 70s and his 90s comeback. The film carries interviews with Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, David Byrne and others. Tom Zé, at his 70th anniversary, continues to produce highly original music. Written by
Decio Matos Jr.
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