Tweaks is a multi-award winning black comedy drama about Berry, an undercover life coach, who visits his mentor and godfather Morgan, for some advice on his toughest case yet - an assisted suicide client, Griff, a happily married father of...See moreTweaks is a multi-award winning black comedy drama about Berry, an undercover life coach, who visits his mentor and godfather Morgan, for some advice on his toughest case yet - an assisted suicide client, Griff, a happily married father of three who wants to fake his natural death. Tweaks is a highly personal, singular and topical film about mental health from award nominated Welsh/British writer and director, Jasper Warry. It stars acting legend Simon Callow (Four Weddings and A Funeral, A Room With A View, Shakespeare In Love) alongside comedian and actor Dan Skinner (AKA: Angelos Epithemiou and star of Notes on Blindness and High-Rise) and rising star Nicola Wren (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword). Written by
Jasper Warry
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