Daniel Segram, dressed in the garments of a sea captain, and showing evidences of having plenty of money, wanders into a second-hand book store, picks up a family Bible and is shocked to find his own death record written there. The book ...See moreDaniel Segram, dressed in the garments of a sea captain, and showing evidences of having plenty of money, wanders into a second-hand book store, picks up a family Bible and is shocked to find his own death record written there. The book seller notes his astonishment and they become acquainted. Segram tells his story: "Jane Collyer and I were both orphans. My employer, Hatch, was in love with Jane, but she accepted me and we were married. The brute discharged me and I was unable to obtain other employment for some time. My wife bought this Bible in which to inscribe our family record. One day I shipped on a vessel bound for the tropics. My wife begged me not to go, but I felt there was nothing else for me to do. Our ship went down in a terrible storm and I was cast away on an uninhabited island. A box of books which washed ashore from the wreck saved me from going insane, as 1 had something to distract my mind. I discovered that the island waters were a veritable treasure house of fine pearls. For thirty years I read and re-read the old books, lived like a savage, and spent my time in gathering pearls, the finer ones of which I made into a necklace to take home to my wife in case I might be taken off by a ship. Finally I was rescued. On coming back to civilization, I found everything changed. The old landmarks had vanished. The buildings I knew in my childhood were torn down. Where my home stood is an office building. My wife and friends have gone away, and I do not know where to find them. This Bible is the first trace I have found." The bookseller examines the record of the Bible and sees the recorded marriage of Daniel Segram's wife with Hatch. The name of the clergyman who performed the marriage is also given. Daniel traces his wife through the clergyman, who accompanies him to the poorhouse. The old woman is overcome with joy. She explains that Hatch treated her brutally and she obtained a divorce. She had married Hatch to escape starvation. After leaving him, she sold everything, including the Bible, to buy food. Then she was taken into the poor house. Daniel clasps his old love in his arms while a smile shines through his tears. From his pocket he takes the pearl necklace and places it around her neck, and the minister remarries them. Written by
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