"Pinball," directed by Naveen Chaubal, is part elliptical character study, part modern fable about a boy with a wild dream who lives a reclusive life outside of town. Battling the voices in his head - some say he should give up on the ...See more"Pinball," directed by Naveen Chaubal, is part elliptical character study, part modern fable about a boy with a wild dream who lives a reclusive life outside of town. Battling the voices in his head - some say he should give up on the dangerous pursuit; others encourage pushing the limit - he can't help but be excited at the prospect of steering a careening bus through a demolition derby style race. When a pack of local kids informs of an event at the raceway that evening, he heads to the track and schemes for his chance. Chaubal's film resists conventional exposition but finds plenty of texture in its vivid montages enlivened by real-life footage of crashing buses and screaming fans. Written by
Kentucker Audley
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