Six one hundred-dollar bills mean much to any but the millionaire, still Frank had gotten them together and was sending them home to pay the mortgage. The letter in which the money was enclosed was to be carried by his sister. Two ...See moreSix one hundred-dollar bills mean much to any but the millionaire, still Frank had gotten them together and was sending them home to pay the mortgage. The letter in which the money was enclosed was to be carried by his sister. Two witnesses of the enclosure, Tom Forrest and his partner, decide that they could use the money to advantage and plan to get it. They ask Frank and Gus to join them in a drink, and when refused they are more determined than ever to procure the letter. Grace drives on and is given the mail sack and Frank hands her the letter, telling her it must be delivered at once. Before she starts on her way Tom attempts to make love to her but she soon settles him and his anger mounts higher. She goes about delivering the different papers, letters, etc., and when confronted by Cowboy Dick, she becomes shy and takes some time before going through the mail and telling him there was nothing for him. Tom and his partner have been following Grace and while on a lonely road they hold her up. She lashes her horse and gets by them, but they gallop after her. Her mail flies in all directions and she is finally overcome. Tom secures the letter containing the money and goes off. Some cowboys happening along help Grace on her way, and by chance she is led to Dick's house, where she is cared for by his mother, while he rides away. Tom and his partner halt to gloat over their success, but the approach of horses hastens them on. Here ensues a lively chase between Dick and the cowboys and Tom with his companion. Dick aims and shoots the letter from Tom's hand. Leaving the boys to attend to their captives, Dick rides back to Grace with the letter. She explains its importance, and with his aid she mounts a horse and together they start on her interrupted journey. Meanwhile the poor old couple, to whom the money meant so much, were being turned from their home. The lawyer turned a deaf ear to their pleadings, but Dick and Grace arrive just in time; the money is paid. Tom is brought on. Grace orders that he be let loose and at her request Dick accepts Tom's hand. Dick gets his reward for his kindness, Grace. Written by
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