Julia. The hermit's daughter, finds him scanning his gold; and shortly after he shows her its hiding place, he passes away, leaving her alone in the wilderness. Black Pete, a bandit, holds up a stage coach and relieves the passengers of ...See moreJulia. The hermit's daughter, finds him scanning his gold; and shortly after he shows her its hiding place, he passes away, leaving her alone in the wilderness. Black Pete, a bandit, holds up a stage coach and relieves the passengers of their valuables, which he loads upon his horse and starts away. He is shot at, however, wounded, and later has the good fortune to come to the shelter of Julia's rough home. To her be confesses his guilt, and after seeing that he is comfortable, she takes his laden mount and goes away. The passengers of the coach, when they arrive at their destination, tell of the outrage committed, and the sheriff, with cowboys, goes in pursuit of the bandit. Imagine their astonishment when they see the horse standing in the roadway with all the stolen goods upon him. The Sheriff leads it away and Julia comes from her hiding place, well satisfied that that misdeed is rectified. She returns to her home and again attends to Black Pete's wants. He asks her to join her lot with his, and, while she shows amazement, does not repulse her suitor. She finally decides to accept his offer and shows Black Pete the hidden gold, which she gives him. Together they go to her father's grave and here she prays. Black Pete joins in with her and promises to always care for Julia. From the grave the go to the church, where they are married, and then return to their humble, happy home. Black Pete's reformation is a good moral lesson; no one is beyond redemption. Written by
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