A brilliant Cambridge Mathematician whose work "On Computable Numbers" forms the basis of today's programable computers. Perhaps affecting modern society more than any other individual to date. Turing was drafted into service during WWII ...See moreA brilliant Cambridge Mathematician whose work "On Computable Numbers" forms the basis of today's programable computers. Perhaps affecting modern society more than any other individual to date. Turing was drafted into service during WWII to work at Bletchley Park and helped crack the Nazi Engima Code and turn the tide of WWII for the Allies. A hero many times over, he was later persecuted by the same country he fought to protect for being a homosexual. Later in life dying mysteriously after taking a bite out of an apple laced with cyanide. Poisoned? Suicide? Or just a tragic accident ending the life of a true genius much too soon. Written by
CHristopher Racster
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