SuperMarioLogan revolves around puppets/plush versions of Mario characters, other characters from other media, and even original characters, and it follows their bizarre life and adventures at home and at school.
Bowser Junior / Mario / Marvin / Junior / Self / …
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Bowser Junior / Mario / Marvin / Junior / Self / Luigi / Peach / Yoshi / Koopa Troopa / Pixie Goblin / Toad / Hop Hop Bunny / Logan Puppet / The Rat / Goomba / Minnie Mouse / Bowser / Mr. Magoo / Officer Top / Waluigi / Baby Peach / Braxton Junior / Candy's Father / Daisy / Daisy Duck / Hot Potato / Pimpster Goomba / Wario / Announcer / Big Red's Father / Billy Williams / Bowser Junior's evil clone / Donkey Kong / Goomba Max / Harleyyy / Hello Kitty / Hump Day Camel / Luigi (Bowser Juice Informercial) / Mama Luigi / Marc / Mario (Bowser Juice Informercial character) / Mario's Emotions / Meowth / Narrator / Pikachu / Sadness / Samantha / Self (voice) / Squatter / Steve / The Crocodile / The Penguin / The Robber / Thomas / Tony's Mother
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Jeffy / Mr. Goodman / Jackie Chu / Black Yoshi / Shrek / …
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Jeffy / Mr. Goodman / Jackie Chu / Black Yoshi / Shrek / Tony the Tiger / Simmons / Woody / Screwball / Mr. Pig / Doofy the Dragon / Felipe / Richard Goodman / Cameel Habib Habab / Peach / Boukisha / Chef Pee Pee / Self / Tanner / Duggie / Paul / Drawing Jeffy / Harry / Bitterman Carlito / Chives / Diddy Kong / Kung Pow / Margaret / Ping and Pong / Chris Talbals / Cookie Monster / Lance Puppet / Shrek Junior / Barbara Guy / Benjamin Franklin Goodman / Blue M&Ms Officer / Brown Elephant / Craig the Devil / Crystal / Ding and Dong / Dr. Wong / Loan Dolphin / Nurse Tenny / Skittles / Sprinkle / Taco Bell Chihuahua / Agent Cortez / Alien's Wife / Black Yoshi Jr. / Blossom / Bowser / Brooklyn T. Guy / Bubbles / Bully / Bully Bill / Burrito Taco Burrito / Buttercup / Camille Habib Habob / Chaquita / Chef Luigi / Chester the Chicken / Chloe / D-Money Senior / Dark Matter in my Shorts / Donald Trump / Donkey Kong / Dudely Awesome / Face Eater / Frank Goodman / God / Goofy-Looking Alligator / Goomba / Goombz / Gordon Ramsay / Hammerhead Shark / Hank / Hansel / Jeff / Jeffo / Joseph's Dad / Joseph's Grandmother / Joseph's Mom / Joy / Killer Shrimpo / Luke Emia / Mama Luigi / Mine Bird / Minnie Mouse / Mr. Corndog / Mr. Krabs / Mrs. Coleman / Narrator / Neighbour / Number 7 / Pig / Polly the Parrot / Puppet Ken / Rat / Remy / Roy Gethard / Rufus / Salesman / Shelia / Stacy / Templeton the Rat / The Lion / Tom Brady / Turkey / Tyreese / Vladimir Smirnov / William / Woah He Big
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Brooklyn T. Guy / Cody / Judy / Bully Bill / Patrick / …
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Brooklyn T. Guy / Cody / Judy / Bully Bill / Patrick / Craig the Devil / Does Bad Things Guy / Loan Dolphin / Hansel / Blue M&Ms Officer / God / Steve Stalboerger / Dr. Fredrick Finkleshitz / Harold Wilfred / Self / Tom Brady / Dak / Judge Pooby / Margaret / Mr. Winkle / Chives / King Strongbottom / Super D / Barbara Guy / Kody / Nancy / Roy Gethard / Tyreese / Chris Puppet / David Winkle / Goofy / Larry / Ludwig / PJ Crenshaw / Paulina / Ash Ketchum / Booger / Brad / Brooklyn Guy / Craig Junior / Craig The Devil / Gumbo / Jackie Twu / Jacques Pierre François / Mickey Mouse / Mr. Guy / Simmons / Tommy Lakitu / Tyrone / Alive Pizza with no Crust / Bott Buddy / Bowser / Charizard / Charleyyy / Cheep-Cheep / Chef Pee Pee / Chef Pee Pee's Pirate Father / Chef Pee Pee's Sister / Codo / Cody Clones / Coody / Cookie Monster / Corn Dog God / Cotton Ball / Couchy the Couch / Doctor Me / Donald Duck / Dr. Fredrick Finkles**tz / Easter Bunny Genie / Face Eater / Freddy Fidget / Goomba / Gordon Ramsay / Harry / Hogan Paul / Hump Day Camel / Iggy / Jackie Chu / Jeffy Junior / Jorge the Drug Dealer / Joseph's Mother / Kamek / Kirby / Leppy the Lion / Ling Ling / Makes Bad Decisions Guy / Me Guy / Michael / Mr. Whiskers / Muffin / Narrator / No Leg Pete / Number 6 / Papi / Paul / Pepper / Phone Guy / Phone Guy (Chris Netherton) / Piggy / Pirate / Pooby / Pooby Claus / Poof / Popeye / Roy / Scary Bunny / Shenron The Eternal Dragon / Steve Staleburger / TV Announcer / The Cat in the Hat / The Loan Dolphin / The Monkey / The Seeker / Tyresse / Vladimir Smirnov / Zack / Zelda
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Chef Pee Pee / Joseph / Bowser / Toad / Tyrone / …
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Chef Pee Pee / Joseph / Bowser / Toad / Tyrone / Charleyyy / Big Red / Self / Bubbles / Speedy / Toni / Blue / Chris the Cucumber / Tailban / Sonic / Donkey Kong / King Pig / Principal Steinbeck / Ray Cheesy / Ray the Pig / Braxton / Chef Poo Poo / Helmet Pig / Jamal / Mama Luigi / Butterball / Chad / D-Money Junior / Dmoney / Luigi / The Monkey / Yoshi / Barack Obama / Big Red's Girlfriend / Black Yoshi / Bully Bill / Diddy Kong / Drug Dealer / Greg the Pig / Hansel / Harambe / Kidnapper / Morton / Nurse Tenny / Poopy Butt / Roy / Vladimir Smirnov / Wario / Bea Skillet / Beas Skillet / Bernard / Boukisha / Brooklyn T. Guy Junior / Charles / Chef Pee Pee's Father / Chef Pee Pee's Pirate Father / Chief Teeth / Cody / D-Money / Delilah / Demonic Speaker / Fake Santa / Freddy Fazbear / French Actor / Goomba / Horned Bird / Jackie Chu / Joseph's Grandparents / Joseph's evil clone / Koopa Troopa / Leppy the Lion / Lil T / Lil Whine / Loan Dolphin / Lovell Puppet / MC Bloodstain / Margaret / Mojo Jojo / Morton Jr. / Mufusa Zimbwubwu / Nerd / Number 1 / Prinicpal Steinbeck / Ray / Simmons / Sofa King / South Pole Santa / SpongeBob SquarePants / Super Big D / Taliban / The Hider / Thomas / Tito Brown / Tom / Woody
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Woody / Mama Luigi / Bowser / Taco Bell Chihuahua / Evil Croco / …
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Woody / Mama Luigi / Bowser / Taco Bell Chihuahua / Evil Croco / Bubbles / Goofy / Donkey Kong / Eagle / Mr. Goodman / Crack Bear / Goomba / Jamaican Croco / Dark Matter in My Shorts / Female Goomba / Goomba Max / Money Thief / Timber Creek / Toad / Wario
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Scooter / Margaret / Officer Bottom / Mr. Goodman / Birdo / …
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Scooter / Margaret / Officer Bottom / Mr. Goodman / Birdo / Jamal / Jeff the Killer / Leppy the Lion / Mr. Winkle / Murph / Pac-Man / Phone Guy (Matthew Reber) / Robber / Roy / Roy Gethard / Screwball / The Mad Scientist / Timmy Jenkins
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Jeffy / Bully Bill / Ghost Shrimpo / Blue M&Ms Officer / Brooklyn T. Guy / …
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Jeffy / Bully Bill / Ghost Shrimpo / Blue M&Ms Officer / Brooklyn T. Guy / Craig the Devil / Loan Dolphin / Patrick / Roy Gethard
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