Opinionated, bold, stubborn, loyal, the consummate soldier, a man whose vision was ahead of his time, a man whose values were as American as West Point, Douglas MacArthur was a key figure in the mid 20th century. As portrayed by Gary ...See moreOpinionated, bold, stubborn, loyal, the consummate soldier, a man whose vision was ahead of his time, a man whose values were as American as West Point, Douglas MacArthur was a key figure in the mid 20th century. As portrayed by Gary Saderup, it is as though he lives again! Veteran actor Gary Saderup has appeared on the Shakespearean stage as Macbeth, Othello and Richard the Third. He has worked with American author Ray Bradbury in creating the leading roles in two original plays. Historical characters are not new to him. He played John Barrymore in 'I Hate Hamlet.' More recently Mr. Saderup appeared as Charles Darwin with actor Patrick Warburton in the hit British play 'Darwin in Malibu'. In the film adaptation of Steven Rivera's brilliant script 'Douglas MacArthur: Return to Corregidor' Gary Saderup brings his acting prowess to bear in creating a sensitive portrait of the legendary American general. Written by
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