Nitya, a 30 year old woman lives in Bengaluru and works as a fitness trainer in a reputed Gym, she is a physically fit person who works out religiously, she lives alone in a 1bhk apartment, moves around on a 2 wheeler, follows a strict ...See moreNitya, a 30 year old woman lives in Bengaluru and works as a fitness trainer in a reputed Gym, she is a physically fit person who works out religiously, she lives alone in a 1bhk apartment, moves around on a 2 wheeler, follows a strict diet and has good sleeping habits. It's almost clinical her routine. She seems to be happy with having no one around her and barely speaks to anybody, she seems peculiar and has no friends. She curls up in bed while she falls asleep at night leaving the bed lamp on, as if she is scared of the dark. She wants to overcome this vulnerability but she is failing. Something is boiling inside her. Nitya as a kid was the total opposite. A energetic and lively kid. Who is training to become a professional swimmer. She is quite good at swimming. She can spread happiness with just her presence, an incident occurs in her life and everything collapses and she has become the Nitya we see today. How Does Nitya fight this and find her Redemption?
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