The film starts with the tears of Yiannis on a seaside during the night and ends at dawn the following day, in his redemptive bleat towards the open horizon of that same sea. In between these two moments we can witness a day in the life of...See moreThe film starts with the tears of Yiannis on a seaside during the night and ends at dawn the following day, in his redemptive bleat towards the open horizon of that same sea. In between these two moments we can witness a day in the life of Yiannis in Athens, where the hero comes face to face with the city and the citizens, the idealized Woman-Mannequin-Sister of his, with the foreign man-robot-Rival, but also with a goat. This is free recreation of the universe of Yiannis Skaribas. The screenplay has already received an award from the National Book Center of Greece. Written by
Nova Melancholia
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