A suspenseful, animated science fiction adventure tale that will appeal to all ages. The story begins in New York when Nick Wallace, a computer scientist, discovers a way to control computers with ones thoughts, permitting human beings to ...See moreA suspenseful, animated science fiction adventure tale that will appeal to all ages. The story begins in New York when Nick Wallace, a computer scientist, discovers a way to control computers with ones thoughts, permitting human beings to think on super-human levels. However fugitive Robert Heller, someone Wallace knew years ago, intends on stealing Wallace's work.. Before he can, however, Wallace gives his computer, which contains all of his research, to his young friend Louis Jameson and instructs him to seek out his colleague, MIT professor Arnold Bergman. What follows is a thrilling ride as the mysterious reason why Robert Heller wants the algorithms is revealed and we learn the terrible secret of The Mind Machine. Can Louis Jameson stop him before it's too late? Written by
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