A dark sarcastic and ironic 3d - Short - Animation. In the outskirts of a tiny town, the butcher called 'Pig Baron' is a grumpy owner of an small butchery. He is busy to satisfy his sophisticated customers. All day and all night he is ...See moreA dark sarcastic and ironic 3d - Short - Animation. In the outskirts of a tiny town, the butcher called 'Pig Baron' is a grumpy owner of an small butchery. He is busy to satisfy his sophisticated customers. All day and all night he is doing his job: boning and marinating. One day something changes. 'Stu pig' and 'Albert Einstein', two pigs who does not want to end up as chewed something in the cheek teeth of the salami-society, are looking for a plan to stop the butchers work. No time for compromises. So they turn the tables. Written by
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