Last tube of the night, from London's West End. Paul, a troubled city financier, is alone, then joined by Preacher Man who disapproves of his drunkenness. A young couple get on and start kissing passionately. Preacher Man objects, Violent ...See moreLast tube of the night, from London's West End. Paul, a troubled city financier, is alone, then joined by Preacher Man who disapproves of his drunkenness. A young couple get on and start kissing passionately. Preacher Man objects, Violent Man tries to throw him off the train. Paul ends up accidentally pushing them both off. He is alone with the beautiful woman, who kisses him and takes him home to make love. Afterwards he dreams of the Credit Crunch, Canary Wharf as the Tower of Babel, Yggdrasil the Norse tree of the World. When he wakes she traps him in a web. He realizes finally she is a Spider Lady and will lay the eggs he has fathered in him, to eat him alive. Written by
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