-"La Guerre des clans" is a Quebec (Canada) game show that has been broadcast on V since August 31, 2009 and hosted by Jean-François Baril until 2017. The game concept is an adaptation of the American show "Family Feud". This is the second...See more-"La Guerre des clans" is a Quebec (Canada) game show that has been broadcast on V since August 31, 2009 and hosted by Jean-François Baril until 2017. The game concept is an adaptation of the American show "Family Feud". This is the second Quebec adaptation of this concept, the first having been broadcast from 1992 to 1997 and hosted by Luc Senay on the same channel, then called TQS. The goal of the game is to accumulate 300 points in order to reach the finals. Two families compete against each other by answering questions asked by the host. The answers are in fact the results of surveys conducted among Quebecers. On February 21, 2018, the V télé network announced that the program La Guerre des clans would be back on the air after a one-year absence. The new host is Jean-François Breau since September 17, 2018.
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