James Newton (Xavier Rodney) faces a unique challenge with Jessica Martinez(Carlie Priso), a brilliant yet trouble-prone student at Jefferson High. Jessica's exceptional intellect shines, but her penchant for mischief puts her at odds with...See moreJames Newton (Xavier Rodney) faces a unique challenge with Jessica Martinez(Carlie Priso), a brilliant yet trouble-prone student at Jefferson High. Jessica's exceptional intellect shines, but her penchant for mischief puts her at odds with the school's disciplinary code. Principal Newton, a seasoned educator, is at his wit's end. Despite recognizing Lily's extraordinary potential, he's determined not to let her academic brilliance grant her immunity from the rules. As Lily continues to toe the line between brilliance and rebellion, Principal Newton finds himself in a battle of wits with a student who refuses to let him have the upper hand. The film unfolds as a comedic yet poignant exploration of the clash between authority and intellect, discipline and potential. Principal Newton grapples with his own insecurities while trying to navigate Jessica's antics, resulting in a series of uproarious situations that challenge both their perspectives. "Detention Again" offers a fresh take on the complexities of mentorship, revealing that sometimes the most unruly students hold the keys to unlocking untapped potential. As Principal Newton and Jessica engage in a battle of intellect, the film explores themes of understanding, growth, and the transformative power of seeing beyond appearances in the journey to success.
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