"Blue Whale", also known as the "Blue Whale Challenge", is a social network phenomenon dating from 2016 that is claimed to exist in several countries. It is a "game" reportedly consisting of a series of tasks assigned to players by ...See more"Blue Whale", also known as the "Blue Whale Challenge", is a social network phenomenon dating from 2016 that is claimed to exist in several countries. It is a "game" reportedly consisting of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators over a 50-day period, initially innocuous before introducing elements of self-harm and the final challenge requiring the player to kill themselves. At one stage of this game players had to listen a music all day and night long. Some says that this music hypnotizes people and through them into killing themselves. This music is created by the game owner Philipp Budeikin. Vocal was taken from "All I Want - Sharah Blasko". In the year of 2022 this song was brought up again in front of the world officially named "Dark Whale" by Syed Hassan Samin. It's also known as "Blue Whale Theme Song" Written by
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