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  • Heaven's Edge
  • Short | Short, Fantasy
Heaven's Edge
Short | Short, Fantasy

Heaven's Edge is an anime-inspired live action fantasy film that follows the adventures of HIRO, a man-child of a knight exiled from his order, and KASSAI, an amnesiac fairy with volatile fire powers, on their quest to overthrow a maniacal...See moreHeaven's Edge is an anime-inspired live action fantasy film that follows the adventures of HIRO, a man-child of a knight exiled from his order, and KASSAI, an amnesiac fairy with volatile fire powers, on their quest to overthrow a maniacal tyrant. After their life forces are linked together by a magical bond, the only way for them to survive the twisted and insane world of Eigan is to set aside their differences and work together; because, if one of them dies, they both die. Written by Sam Clark See less
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Updated Mar 18, 2024
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