A popular series that swept the nation with the duo of Juushirou Koe and Ryuji Shinagawa is remade with the combination of Koe's son, Hiroki Matsukata, and Toshihiko Tahara. "The Ronin Gold Rush" is a special drama that was broadcast on TV...See moreA popular series that swept the nation with the duo of Juushirou Koe and Ryuji Shinagawa is remade with the combination of Koe's son, Hiroki Matsukata, and Toshihiko Tahara. "The Ronin Gold Rush" is a special drama that was broadcast on TV Asahi in 1995. Daito and Hanji sometimes fight, sometimes help each other, and sometimes tease each other as the drama unfolds quickly. Matsukata plays Hanaoka Daikichi, a character who combines the elements of the original Tsukikage Heikichi and Hanaoka Daikichi, who is afraid of cats and loves okara. Matsukata's acting, which reminds us of his father, is truly remarkable. During the Bunka era (1804-1818), the Koshu Road was bustling with travelers due to rumors of a new vein of gold being discovered in the abandoned mine at Kofu Kaneyama. By chance, ronin Oyoshi (Hiroki Matsukata) and wanderer Hanji (Toshihiko Tahara) become companions and stay at the inn "Sangoku-ya," where robbers break in and kill a guest named Dengoro. The next day, the two men set off for Kofu with Dengoro's daughter, Ohana, but they are attacked by the same gang from the previous night. When Hanji fights back with the bamboo pole that Ohana was carrying, he manages to deflect their sword strikes. Upon investigation, they discover that a gold rod was hidden inside the bamboo pole.
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