"LISTEN" is a powerful and emotionally charged drama that unravels the complex aftermath of a tragic incident within the Jameson family. The story revolves around Cameron Jameson, who, as a child, witnesses the violent and abusive dynamics...See more"LISTEN" is a powerful and emotionally charged drama that unravels the complex aftermath of a tragic incident within the Jameson family. The story revolves around Cameron Jameson, who, as a child, witnesses the violent and abusive dynamics between his parents. As an adult, Cameron struggles with haunting memories, and the story explores the psychological toll of the past on his present life. The story weaves between the present and the past, unveiling the layers of trauma that have shaped Cameron's existence. A mysterious and unsettling voice from his memories echoes through his life, forcing him to confront the painful truth. The film takes the audience on an emotional journey, exploring themes of domestic violence, family bonds, and the enduring impact of trauma. Cameron's desperate attempt to escape the shadows of his past leads him into a surreal and introspective realm, blurring the lines between reality and memory.
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