At a prestigious Mitteleuropa Film School, star student Sydney Lumet is having trouble getting her shots, especially when her classmates begin disappearing mysteriously, deliberately, allegedly. With no help from the police or the school's...See moreAt a prestigious Mitteleuropa Film School, star student Sydney Lumet is having trouble getting her shots, especially when her classmates begin disappearing mysteriously, deliberately, allegedly. With no help from the police or the school's Dean, Sydney and her bestie Dewey must form a Scooby gang and determine who is cutting outside the editing booths. With a movie-inspired twist and comedic scares aplenty, Cinephile Massacre challenges conventional film school tropes with a blend of homages, parodies, knock-offs, and straight-up steals from much better movies. Showcasing a Michael Bay hero shot, clips from "Bay of Angels 2", a monologuing villain, and more charm than it deserves, Cinephile Massacre lives up to the clichés it cheekily embraces.
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