Set in 18th-century France, this gripping tale unfolds within the opulent and conservative household of a wealthy and esteemed patriarch. Anna and Sophie, two half-sisters meeting for the first time, find themselves under the same roof. ...See moreSet in 18th-century France, this gripping tale unfolds within the opulent and conservative household of a wealthy and esteemed patriarch. Anna and Sophie, two half-sisters meeting for the first time, find themselves under the same roof. Their father, a man of honor and high status, is on the cusp of a prestigious marriage. However, his world unravels when he discovers that his innocent and well-behaved daughter, Anna, has been lured into a forbidden romance by her rebellious half-sister, Sophie. As tensions escalate and danger looms, the sisters must confront their father's iron grip. Will they find a way to break free and claim their own destinies?
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