April Fools Day, is a short film, in the dark comedy genre, about two college buddies who wake up from a night of partying only to find their friend Kelly, deceased from illegal substances consumed the previous night. Awkward chemistry, ...See moreApril Fools Day, is a short film, in the dark comedy genre, about two college buddies who wake up from a night of partying only to find their friend Kelly, deceased from illegal substances consumed the previous night. Awkward chemistry, sets off a discussion which leads to the pal's decision to dispose of their friend rather than face a full-on investigation in the midst of, college senior year, final exams and graduate entry exams, in the upcoming month. Gut wrenching awkwardness ensues as this odd couple fumble to discard of their friend, with an overbearing mother and a nosy detective threatening to uncover their facade at every turn. Written by
Justin P. Russo
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