By using these resources, you agree to abide by the Responsible Use of Online Resources and all licensing terms and conditions as set and negotiated by the library.
Jerry Carlson | Phone 970-495-7770 | Bypass 192-57770 |
When you're off campus and you click on a link to one of our licensed databases or electronic journals, you will be prompted to enter your username and password.
To access Strauss Health Sciences Library resources from off campus, you must be a primary user of the library and have a valid library registration.
Some library registrations expire yearly and can be renewed with a call to us at 303-724-2152.
Having trouble logging in?
You must enable cookies from in your web browser for the EZProxy system to work. After logging in, you will be taken to the content on which you clicked. This verification should only take place once per browser session.
If after login you get stopped by a Too Many Redirects message, either restart your browser or clear your browser cache to get rid of this roadblock.