- Butterflies
Rosy maple moth therian pfp
- 🔥 Death’s-head Hawk-moth squeaks when alarmed, is the fastest moth in the world (can fly up to 30 mph), and can be up to 5”
@paneeps on twitter // art inspo
Kometenfalter ________________________________ Was für ein wundervolles Exemplar😍 Schade nur das diese Kometenfalter nur ca 5- 6 Tage lebt.. ________________________________ #top_macro#kings_macro#kings_insects#macro_brilliance#grikart_macro#macro_turkey#ip_insects#uwn_insect#macro_vision#colors_of_day_macro#macro_perfection#flowersandmacro#featured_macros#bns_macro#macro_highlight#macro_captures#macro_kings#macro_spotlight#beautiful_insects_japan#macrophotography#turklikeben_macro#thehub_macro#macroworld_tr#insects_of_our_world#macro_freaks#mat_macro#igbest_macros#macroclique#macrogrammers - @sandyhammer on Instagram
Rosy maple moth therian pfp (use credit for this one)
- 🔥 And to follow up, the BIGGEST North American moth--the cecropia!!!
moth therian pfp༉‧₊˚.
- 🔥 Idolomantis diabolica, commonly known as the devils flower mantis
It’s been a while. Time to slam dunk Instagram with a post about moths that will probably go viral! #moths #instamoth #insects #beautiful #nature #nature_seeker #bestshooter_nature #instanaturefriends #wildlife #wildlifephotography #macro #ukmoths #naturephotography #naturelovers - @tbone180390 on Instagram
moth pfp
- toddler birthday ideas
moth girl
- Beautiful Butterflies ♧
- Cecropia moths are the largest moths native to North America
me if i were a moth
Venezuelan Poodle Moth Cat Wall And Art Print
- 🔥 The glasswing butterfly is stunning
Luna Moth Drawing
- This photo I took of a moth came out eerily looking like a painting.
Lil guy blowing a bubble :3
- Bugs
- My wife just informed me she will never be picking tomatoes in our garden again!
- 🔥 This Luna Moth chillin on our screen door.
- 1bug art
Black-waved Flannel Moth (Lagoa crispata)
moth therian
- butterflies
profile pic for the moth therians out there!!3
- Moon moth
- Amazing Pictures
- Lay your fortunate eyes on David Attenborough with a butterfly landing on his eyebrow. This man is a true treasure.
- Butterflies & Moths
Dipturus chilensis - Raya volantín La Raya volantín es una especie endémica de Chile que se encuentra desde el sur de Coquimbo hasta Punta Arenas. Su alimentación de adulta consiste en peces óseos y calamares, en cambio, los juveniles prefieren crustáceos. Los machos viven entre 17 y 23 años, mientras que las hembras viven entre 21 y 27 años. Debido a su alta demanda en el mercado, actualmente se encuentra clasificada como recurso sobreexplotado según la SUBPESCA y vulnerable según la UICN. Está es una ilustración para @nucleopintarroja.uch y se vienen pronto más cosillas en conjunto! Y ya que estamos en septiembre y es una raya volantín, vaya y encumbre volantines, pero recuerde llevarse su hilo, ya que puede afectar la fauna del lugar. #wildlifechile #conservacionmarina #ilustracion #ilustracionchilena #illustration #scienceillustration #science #fabercastellchile - @ilustra.nativa on Instagram
- Night Creatures
- Ancient/Medieval Costume Inspirations
- Beautiful Butterflies & Moths
Blotched Emerald 🦋 By: @paulcools_photography Tag a friend! 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 #awesome_shots #nature_shooters #vida #fauna #instagood #animales #cute #love #nature #animals #animal #pet #cat #dogs #dog #cats #photooftheday #cute #wild #animalsofinstagram #natgeohub #igs #tagblender #petstagram #petsagram #animallovers #insect #insects #creepy #nature_shooters - @mothcaptures on Instagram
- Butterfly
- Albinism in Animals
- Bees, Bugs, Butterflies, and Nasties
- The eyespots on this moth
- PsBattle: This Venezuelan Poodle Moth
- What type of Moth is this?
- leopard moth
- Found this unfortunately tattered moth, what kind of moth? GA, US.
- butterflies
- Butterflies
- This guy was chillin out on my front porch today
- This is the Japanese Emperor caterpillar. Who is best known for its permanent :3 face.
- Colorful Butterflies
- Thought Id share my snap of this brilliant-colored beauty appropriately named the Royal Moth!
- Butterflys and Moths
- Animal
- 🔥 Plume moths apparently believed mosquitoes were good role models.
- Little Fuzzy Face -- A Polyphemus Moth
- Butterfly love
- hairless animals
- Found this massive 6cm moth in my garden!
- Art edible/ plates
- Animals
- carapace
- Buggy
- Bug images
- Baby dress
- Butterflies & Insects
Happy Wednesday! Why not while away the afternoon mastering our latest digital puzzle? This image shows a beautiful Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly, otherwise known as Ornithoptera Alexandrae. There are three different difficulty levels, so its perfect for butterfly fans of all ages! 🦋 Available as part of our spring #SchoolHoliday #Activities via the link in our bio. 😊 #FamilyFun #BoredomBusters - @scienceworks_melb on Instagram
- Buggers
- Bugs
- The striking iridescence of the Madagascar Sunset Moths wings comes from unique multilayer structures inside their wing scales as opposed to pigment.
- [Los Angeles, California, USA] found using a black light, any ideas of Family or Genus?
- The rare albino cockroach
- Spotted in Santander, Colombia
- flutterbugs
- butterflies
- Butterflies
- Kitten and bears book
🇮🇹Mimas Tiliae ( Falena del tiglio) la prima e Deilephila Porcellus (?) la seconda sono 2 tipi di falene appartenenti alla famiglia delle Sphingidae, dopo averle fotografate durante una passeggiata sono andato a fare una ricerca in rete.Sono tantissimi gli esemplari,uno diverso dallaltro e tutti esegeratamente belli,anche le larve,dai colori sgargianti fanno la loro bella figura... 🇬🇧Mimas Tiliae the first and Deilephila Porcellus(?) the second are two tipes of Moths belonging to the Sphingidae family,after photografhing them during a walk i went to do a search on the net. There are many speciments,One different from the other end all exaggeratedly beautiful. Larvae,with bright colors,make a good impression! 🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋 #mothernature #walking #adventure #photography #moths #butterfly #sphingidae #sphinx #insect #science #explore #nature #tips #animals #forest #wildlife #wildpeople #woodsman #lifestyle #woodvival - @seso_woodvival on Instagram
- Saved this flying velvet painting from drowning and it hung out with me for about 15 minutes before flying off into the unknown
- Pugoth or mothug?
- This living moth looks like carved wood
- 🔥 Rosy Maple Moth! Copyright on the image
😍 - @yanayurevych on Instagram
- 🔥 A Luna moth relaxing on my garage (reposted with fixed title)
- Sloth Moth
- Butterflies .Moths.Dragonflies
Illustration level up! @mjoycehoughton art work in the recent STUNG by a CICADA KILLER episode added a whole new texture to @bravewilderness episodes. Do you guys enjoy seeing illustrated elements in the videos? Stay tuned as her next masterpieces debut in GAR WARS... out in 2 weeks! - @coyotepeterson on Instagram
- The Butterfly Effect
- moth wings
- Infestation
A cool Jersey Tiger Moth in the trap this morning 😍 . . . #moth #mothing #jersey #mothsofinstagram #mothsarebeautiful #ukmoths #moth_hunters #insect #insects_of_our_world #britishmoths #island #alderney #buglife #discover #garden #wildlife #gardenmothscheme #learning #lepidoptera - @moth_hunters on Instagram
- Beautiful butterfly
- Luna Moth chilling on my window.
Anyone care to ID these beautiful moths ? As part of National Moth Week we registered an online event for the island encouraging the local residents to learn about, observe, and document moths in their yards and neighborhoods. The collection here so far is a result of some much fun and photography Visit Moths are among the most diverse and successful organisms on earth. Scientists estimate there are 150,000 to more than 500,000 moth species. Their colors and patterns are either dazzling or so cryptic that they define camouflage. Shapes and sizes span the gamut from as small as a pinhead to as large as an adult’s hand. Most moths are nocturnal, and need to be sought at night to be seen – others fly like butterflies during the day. Finding moths can be as simple as leaving a porch light on and checking it after dark. Serious moth aficionados use special lights and baits to attract them. National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and habitats of moths. “Moth-ers” of all ages and abilities are encouraged to learn about and document moths in their backyards, parks, and neighborhoods. National Moth Week is being held, worldwide, during the last full week of July. NMW offers everyone, everywhere a unique opportunity to become a Citizen Scientist and contribute scientific data about moths. Through partnerships with major online biological data depositories, NMW participants can help map moth distribution and provide needed information on other life history aspects around the globe. So get on with it and send in your photos along with your Name: Location: Date : Moth ID:. To - and Follow our Fb Blog to get a peak at all the moths photographed on the islands by the end of this month. . . . . . . #thedivarislandproject #theriverislandsproject #nature , #travel #ruzzfeed #homestay #tripfortwo #travelandliving #riverislandsgoa #islandlife / #goa // #ilhasdoriogoa #traveltailor #pet #urabarura #divarisland #nationalmothweek #moth #nationalmothweek #microniaaculeata - @thedivarislandproject on Instagram
- Butterflies
- Butterflies, Dragonflies etc.
- Moth Tattoo Meaning
- bugs,insects,snails
- Cute little poodle moth!
- Borboletas
- Butterfly Wings
- Artmakers NZ Native Flora and Fauna
- Animals :)
- ITAP of this cool looking moth.
- Marco Antonio
- Ball
- A friend of mine found this creature in his garage.
Check out the silvery fascia on this Cirrhochrista bracteolalis moth. Pretty, aren’t they? ⠀ ⠀ (#Cirrhochristabracteolalis)⠀ ⠀ #insectguru#beautiful_insects_japan#invert_macro#ip_insects#insects_of_our_world#macro_turkey#top_macro#macroworld_tr#macro_highlight#macro_freaks#macro_perfection#Arthropod_Perfection#uwn_insect#turklikeben_macro#exclusive_world_macro#soulmademacro#macro_captures_#universal_macro_#magicmacroworld#raw_insects#wholelottabugs#macroandflora#nuts_about_wildlife#natureinfocus#biosapiens#igclub_butterfly#butterfly_ir#soul_made_butterfly#nuts_about_macro - @dustin.rhoades on Instagram
- This cicada wing I found on my driveway is clear is most places (found detached, idk how)
- A brand new moth, getting ready to fly for the first time
- Flannel moth
- art
- Butterfree used Sleep Powder! [OC]
Anthela ocellata, quite small innit •••••••••••••••• #moths #insects #nature #moth #mothsofinstagram #insect #lepidoptera #macro #entomology #butterflies #insectsofinstagram #bugs #butterfly #naturephotography #wildlife #macrophotography #art #world #mothsandbutterflies #taxidermy #butterflyart #mothstagram #butterfliesofinstagram #entomologyart #mothsarebeautiful #teammoth #insectphotography #ilovemoths #caterpillar #bhfyp - @william.moths on Instagram
Little bee 🐝 Made a while back for @loopycatto Swipe left for the process video! NB: the photo used for background reference is mine. - @eld0rf on Instagram
- birdies
- babies
- Butterflies and moths.
- amazing world of insects........
- Moth on a brick wall. June, 2017. West Harrison, Indiana.
- Butterflies
#wildlife #moth #filhomanfredini #parauapebas #amazonia #carajás #butterfly #life #insect #wild - @filhomanfredini on Instagram
- La Palette de Couleurs
- Found in Croatia on the seaside during summer
- animal studies
- moth, silvan borer
- butterflies
- Butterflies, Bugs & Moths
- Butterflies
- The Northern Ghost Bat (Diclidurus albus) lacks pigment in its wings allowing you to see the veins! The skin of some bat wings is thin enough that gases can diffuse through it, allowing bats to breathe through their wings!
- Butterflies
- Small Wonders
- Beautiful specimen in Canada: Although not considered a vulnerable species at the moment, the luna moth faces some threats caused by human interference, such as habitat loss and damage caused by invasive species
- Ammoite/Shells/Fossils
- Just a little spring beauty
- 🔥 Luna Moth at Lake Benson Park in Garner, North Carolina 🔥
- color palette
- Gombák
- Artmakers NZ Native Flora and Fauna
- 🔥 Death’s Head Moths
- Art Dolls
- Busy Bees
- Butterfly & Moth & insects
- moth looks like a pug
- Luna Moth : I have soo much to do
Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies, reared last summer on pipevine (Aristolochia californica). #butterflies #butterfly #insects #insectsofinstagram #springtime - @internationalbutterflybreeders on Instagram
- 🔥 Polyphemus Moth
- I drew an Emperor moth :)
- Moth caterpillar
- 🔥 Yellow Furry legs (actual name), a moth with fluffy legs
- hmmm
- A Rosy Maple Moth
- Enjoy some examples of Rosy maple moths
- butterfly
- Delicate Wings
- Butterfly Drawings
- A moth I saw while visiting Ohio
- art and flora/fauna
- This sub is filled with cats, dogs, baby donkeys, baby hyenas, and baby warthogs, but Ive yet to see any affection for arthropods
- Apparently this moth only lives for a week, and doesn’t have a mouth...
- Real pokemon
- ITAP of this amazingly camouflaged moth!
Hi makers! I thought some of you might be interested in my process for making Shinobus headpiece. Swipe for all the goodies and the description is below. As with all of Shinobus textiles, this piece is self-dyed by spray gun and steamed using @jacquardproducts green label silk dyes. Its the same formulation I used in the reverse applique border of my happi. I sketched a shape I liked which combines elements of several differing manga panels and then digitized it in Hatch. After exporting the digitized shape to my cricut, I ironed on a medium heavyweight stabilizer and cut the pieces which saves a lot of time trimming in the hoop. Since I was doing two pieces per hoop, I had about 16,000 stitches ahead of me and floated two pieces of stabilizer in the hoop. The first thing that was embroidered was a placement line. With my trusty Spray n Bond, I placed the appliqué within the lines and went on to the next step which to used a zigzag to tack down the edges. The next step was to put down the green. I used two close colors to get a blend that had a more organic texture to it. The first pass is a bit sparse and the second pass fills in the gaps. I then moved to the big to tatami (purple). If you look ahead, youll note I actually dod this in several pieces, but to avoid too many tie-ins, I used one big underlay which helps loft the tatami. The tatami was put down in segments meant to give it three dimensions along those vein lines and then I lined it with a black triple backstitch to pop it. A satin border was put around the edge, but I intentionally did not add too much underlay as this mostly exists to give a clean tearaway edge for the stabilizer and it will act as an underlay for when I piece it together back to front and combine it with one hand satin. Finally, I used a blend of Jacquard textile paint and Lumiere to paint black veins in the main body and into the gaps between the tatami segments. Overall, Im really happy with this, my fourth major iteration with this embroidery, and Im looking forward to doing the rest of it this weekend! 😄 #cosplaywip #demonslayercosplay #kimetsunoyaibacosplay #shinobukochoucosplay #machineembroidery - @pitchforkcosplay on Instagram
- This moth is the size of a small bird and sounds like a helicopter beating on our windows trying to get to the light.
- Comics
- Created Moths
- Animals
- ITAP of a moth, and I think he looks like David Bowie
- Poodle moth, thing of my nightmares. I do wonder how it feels.
- Found this pretty fall-leaves colored moth outside my apartment just now!
- Butterflies and Moths
- Butterflies
- 🔥 Giant Leopard Moth 🔥
- Bugs
- butterflies
- Bombyx mori. This is what a silkworm turns into if you dont boil it alive in its cocoon so you can unravel its silk
- animality
- moths
- This 80s Moth
- Beautiful Butterflies
- Art - fabric
- ITAP. Beautiful moth in Virginia.
- 🔥 This moth, Mpanjaka pastor, that evolved a mossy texture 🔥
It’s still #NationalMothWeek so here’s a layout of just a few of my favourite sphinx moths we’ve encountered over the last year or so! 😍 Although silkmoths are pretty awesome, my favourite family of moths are sphinx moths (family Sphingidae). • There are just under 1500 different sphinx moth species in the world, but they are probably most iconic for mimicking hummingbird behaviour. Many sphinx moths will hover around flowers and nectar (feed) at them. 🌸 This means they are extremely agile flies, but are also very important #pollinators! • Just look at the diversity of sphinx moths that you can find right here in Ontario! From top to bottom, left to right: • 1️⃣ Abbott’s sphinx (Sphecodina abbottii) 2️⃣ Walnut sphinx (Amorpha juglandis) 3️⃣ Hermit sphinx (Lintneria eremitus) 4️⃣ Pawpaw sphinx (Dolba hyloeus) 5️⃣ Pandorus sphinx (Eumorpha pandorus) 6️⃣ Virginia creeper sphinx (Darapsa myron) 7️⃣ Azalea sphinx (Darapsa choerilus) 8️⃣ Modest sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta) 9️⃣ White-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata) • • • • • #abbottssphinx #pawpawsphinx #pandorussphinx #virginiacreepersphinx #modestsphinx #whitelinedsphinx #sphinxmoth #moth #moths #mothsofinstagram #mothsofig #mothstagram #insects #insectsofinstagram #bugs #bugsofinstagram #insectsofig #insectagram #scicomm #sciencecommunication #science #entomology #thescicommunity #savethepollinators #nature #wildlife #ontarionature - @alexxisrael on Instagram
- Bees, Bugs, Butterflies, and Nasties
- Photo of this butterfly I took up close
- 🔥 This rosy maple moth
- Butterflies and Moths
- beautiful things
- 🔥 A fine Brahmin moth 🔥
- Silkworm moth
- butterflies n other pretty flying critters
- Found this little guy. Anyone know what it is?
- The Butterfly Effect
- A bugs life
- Animals and Critters of all kinds
- 🔥 The moth I found this afternoon.
- Flannel moth
- Butterfly nursery
#butterfly #butterflyknife #butterflyworld #butterflyvalley #butterflyphotography #Moth #Moths #Butterflylover #butterflyphoto #butterflyproject #Insects #macrocaptures #Macro - @green_macroscope on Instagram
- Bats
- Mighty insect on insect with bonus bird poo
- butterflies and Bugs
- insect tattoo
- Butterfly shoot.
- imagine nation
- Wanted to show you guys the chillest white furry moth!
- Rosy maple moth
- Beautiful butterflies
- This 🔥Polyphemus Moth🔥 I found outside at work
- Butterfly & Moth & insects
- A huge moth in our balcony, today morning!
✨HELP NEEDED👉🏻 A fuzzy new botanically dyed moth has hatched and joined the crew, but they’re without a name! Therefore, I’ve decided to ask all of you creative folks to help us out. What would you name this moth? Name suggestions must start with Sol-. I’ll announce the winning name in my stories! Moth’s gender is undecided and probably unnecessary to determine so please be as creative as you’d wish 🖤 . . . . . . . . #textilearts #fiberarts #textilesdesign #slowmade #slowmaking #upcycledart #upcycledfabric #botanicallydyed #dyedwithplants #moths #butterflies🦋 - @the_solstice_studio on Instagram
- My mother found a dead Butterfly that has the face of a Japanese Kabuki Demon, Horns and all.
- Animals & Insects
- Moth with its scent glands out is 🔥
- Saw an interesting colored moth this morning.
- The Venezuelan Poodle Moth
- Bug Identification
- Can a moth be cute? White moth with a chicken face.
- Motho Man Randy Savage
The rare Rosy Underwing (Catocala electa) has been sighted at a railway station in Cornwall, only the second time one has been seen in Cornwall in almost 150 years. Image by Leon Truscott - @savebutterflies on Instagram
- Beautiful creature I found on my porch today. St. Louis, MO, USA
- Metal Moth? Metal Moth.
- Amazing World-Flora & Fauna
- Flower Mantis
- Cute moth
- Arty Bugs Moths etc.
- 🔥 Saw one of these today, just standing there on the door even when I came back, my phone camera is broken so it’s a copy... it braought me peace
- Bugs
- This moth... is back... bigger and better...
- Bugs
- ehehehehehe
- 🔥 Moth looks like it has a 2nd moth on its back.
- Animal Kingdom
- D.I.Y.
- Butterfly information
- Huge, adorably furry moth in Austin, TX
- Did you know that your drains are full of thousands of these little guys? In the plumbing world, the number one rule is that you close your mouth when you open a drain.
- Zentangle Moth, Aquarelle Brush Markers, 40x50cm
- butterflies
- Dryocampa rubicunda (ruby maple moth)
#explore_macro_ #total_butterflies #passion_in_macro #gmf_macrofun #igbest_macros #gotcha_inflight #my_daily_macro #macro_addiction #insectsofinstagram #cupoty #universal_macro_ #soul_made_macro #macromania #soul_made_butterfly #macro_drama #macro_highlight #macro_lovers #macro_captures #only_macro_captures #thebeautyin_flowers #nature_perfection #photonaturemacro #macrohappiness #rebel_macro #db_macro #jj_justmacro #macroworld_tr #gw_macro #insectguru #fiftyshades_of_macro - @thierrydrevon on Instagram
- Butterflies
- This moth with a pointy tail.
- Flannel moth
- 🔥 name this lit moth, SW Michigan 🔥
- *i*
- butterflies n other pretty flying critters
- Forbidden rhubarb & custard sweets
- Butterfly and Moth Spirit Power Animals
- Beautiful moth outside our house. Perfect symmetry.
- 🔥 The Poodle Moth 🔥
- Butterflies and Moths
- A Cute Moth
- Animals3
- Forbidden ham and cheese omelette
- Art ❖ Graphics ❖ Design ❖ Illustrations
COLL 01 PART 02_REFERENCES - Decorum (dɪˈkɔːrəm) Added soul. Manner(-ism). White ermine Moth. #burcakyol #coll01part02 #references and #inspiration #decorum #whiteerminemoth - @burcakyol on Instagram
- Polyphemus Moth just chillin’
- Lesbian moths? Lesbian moths.
- Bug bites and Bugs
- This moth I spotted at work yesterday.
- Haploa Clymene Moth, aka the Goth moth
- Bug Pokemon
- Bats
- Luna moths are bigger in real life
- This moth with ears!
- Found this beauty on my porch this morning. What is it? St. Louis, MO, USA
This morning the bug boy and I were watching the rain flood the roads around us before watching it flood most of the City on the news. While looking we saw this beautiful lady! She wanted to watch the rain fall while she dried her brand new, beautiful wings. She is an #attacus #atlas moth. We hope that a male will join her within a day or so. I wanted to show each part of her beautiful wings to you. Hopefully you dont mind the way the photos are presented. #entomology #lepidoptera #bugs #abugslife #caterpillar #naturelover #nature #mothernature #butterfly #wings #mothmommy #metamorphosis #insect #instagood #fly #moths #pets #beautyinnature #kings_insects #igclub_butterfly #beautiful_insects_japan #9vaga_butterfly9 #wildlife_seekers #nature_of_our_world #InstaNatureFriends #macrophotography #macro_captures #macro_perfection - @moth_mommy on Instagram
- Creature
- Butterflys and Moths
- Decor: Art
- Bugs and Insects - Art
- I wanna eat this soo badly
- Blursed Moth
- This moth....
- 🔥 Tiny moth by my door
- 🔥 This moth outside of my house this morning.
- Albino Critters
- Moth on Oak Porch
- white moose
- butterflies
- Amazing moments in Life
- 🔥 Silkworm Moth
- A turkey sized baby Wyvern I modeled that uses its juvenile defense tactic on a potential predator
- Butterfly pupa
- Cute moth
- Butterflies
- 🔥 Black Arches Moth 🔥
- Colorful moths
- Albino Critters
- I found this moth’s colors to be satisfying. The background too.
- This is a ultra fluffy poodle moth
- art and flora/fauna
- Grasshopper (FISHIP)
- Can a moth be allowed on this sub?
- bugs
- Butterflies
- This fluffy sponge cake with butter on top 😂
- Butterfly
- 🔥 Flying Furball--The Oakworm Moth!
- Butterfly photos
- Prehistoric Insects
- Moths in 1879 waiting for humans to start manufacturing lightbulbs
- butterfly
- Jesus or Charles Manson?