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A rookie police officer takes the last shift at a newly decommissioned station in an attempt to uncover the mysterious connection between her father’s death and a vicious cult. Throughout the night, she finds herself barraged by terrifying supernatural events while unveiling the truth behind her family’s twisted past. A film by Anthony DiBlasi.


Anthony DiBlasi



Police Chief Will Loren (Eric Olson) leads a raid to dismantle John Malum’s (Chaney Morrow) underground demonic cult, known as the Low God cult. Malum is luring young women for sacrifice. Loren successfully rescues three women, returning them safely to their families and becoming a local hero in the process.


Then an unexpected turn of events unfolds. Will suddenly goes berserk, using a shotgun to kill several officers at the police station before taking his own life in a jail cell. No one knows exactly what triggered Will’s actions, though some speculate his motivation stems from guilt over failing to save a fourth woman during the cult rescue.


One year after the gruesome murders, Will’s daughter Jessica Loren (Jessica Sula), becomes a police officer following in her father’s footsteps. She still believes her father was a hero. Her first assignment is night duty at the old police station where her father worked, as all other officers have moved to a new location and they need someone to watch the station before it’s demolished. Lieutenant Grip Cohen (Britt George) is displeased when he learns Jessica is the daughter of Will, the officer who killed his colleagues. Before leaving, he warns Jessica to stay away from the jail cells.


On that night, Jessica encounters increasingly inexplicable events: a basketball bouncing (with no one present), shadowy figures watching her (despite being alone), and mysterious phone calls (even though all lines have been transferred to the new station). Her true purpose, however, is to uncover the truth about what happened to her father that night, as no one — not even her mother Diane (Candice Coke) — has told her the full story.


Hidden under her father’s locker, Jessica discovers a box of documents about the cult that her father’s team raided and rescued victims from. She also finds a flash drive containing video footage that reveals the truth about her mother and her connection to John Malum’s cult.


Directed by Anthony DiBlasi, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Poiley, MALUM is a remake of DiBlasi’s 2014 film Last Shift. The new version expands on the original, featuring a larger budget and improved special effects.


The narrative effectively blends psychological thriller elements with supernatural horror. The filmmaker skillfully creates an unsettling atmosphere by deliberately blurring the lines between reality and hallucination.

The protagonist’s journey challenges viewers’ perceptions, keeping them uncertain whether the events are real experiences or manifestations of psychological trauma. This ambiguity adds depth to the storytelling, making the narrative both intriguing and disorienting.


Fans of cult horror will likely enjoy this film. The director seems to enjoy exploring unconventional ideas, presenting unique victim-killing techniques and uninhibited, blood-splattered scenes that push the boundaries of the genre. The narrative revels in graphic, visceral horror that doesn’t hold back, creating a deliberately shocking and provocative viewing experience.


Personally, I find the excessive use of jump scares weaken the film’s carefully crafted atmosphere. Unlike more sophisticated cult horror movies, these cheap shock tactics feel contrived and detract from the psychological tension. The unnecessary startling moments undermine the sophisticated narrative approach, reducing the film’s potential for genuine psychological horror to mere cheap thrills.


MALUM was theatrically released in the United States on 31 March 2023.

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