Cpa exam motivation

Welcome to my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam Motivation board. Here you will find motivational quotes to pass the CPA exams. Hi there, I’m Chi, the CPA mom. I worked five years in public accountant in tax, auditing, and bookkeeping. Now, I am a government auditor that provides study tips to pass the CPA exams, navigate your career as an accountant, or balance a busy schedule as a working mom. Click through my website at or follow me on my instagram account @chigeorgecpa.
9 Pins
Study Smarter, Not Harder: How I Saved Time and Passed REG as a Full-Time Student
Are you a full-time student planning to take the CPA exams? Learn how to determine which CPA section to take alongside your classes and save valuable study time. Find out how I passed REG in five weeks while balancing my responsibilities with a Free study planner! #CPAExamSuccess #StudyTips #FullTimeStudentLife #CPAExamPreparation
Many CPA Exam candidates are intimidated by the CPA Exam because they think you have to have some capacity of accounting genius to pass. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Passing the CPA Exam is all about putting in the time, effort, and sacrifice to learning concepts and applying them. Remember: you will pass as long as you're committed. #takethesmartpath #hellocpa