Feng Shui

Discover how to transform your energy through feng shui tips for a feng shui home, including feng shui house layout, feng shui bedroom layout, feng shui living room layout, feng shui kitchen layout, feng shui bathroom layout, feng shui crystals, and mnuch more. #fengshuitips #fengshuicrystals
106 Pins
Animals in Feng Shui: Aligning with Nature's Energy
Animals in Feng Shui have long been revered as auspicious symbols, harnessing the wisdom of nature to bring prosperity, protection, and positivity into our lives. Let's dive into this topic! #animalsinfengshui #fengshuianimals https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/animals-in-feng-shui
Feng Shui For Apartments and Small Spaces
With the challenges of limited square footage, cramped layouts, and a need for functionality, learning the art of Feng Shui for apartments, or for small spaces, is a hugely essential skill to have. Let's learn all about it! #fengshuiforapartments #fengshuiforsmallspaces #apartmentfengshui #smallspacefengshui https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/feng-shui-for-apartments
How to Discover Your Lucky Feng Shui Direction
Almost every ancient civilization knew the importance of, and utilized knowledge of the natural world for their benefit. Knowing your favored feng shui direction can aid you in drawing success and positivity into many aspects of your life. #luckyfengshuidirection #fengshuidirection https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/feng-shui-direction
12 Free Ways to Use Feng Shui for Money
When looking up articles on feng shui for money, it's very common to find tips that require money to make them work. Instead, this article provides free and inexpensive ways to increase money with feng shui. #fengshuiformoney https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/free-ways-to-use-feng-for-money
11 Fall Spiritual Cleansing Rituals for Renewal
Restore yourself through spiritual cleansing and start the fall season by tapping into your highest potential. There's no better time than now to start fresh! #spiritualcleansing https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/fall-spiritual-cleansing-rituals
7 Energy Cleansing Rituals for Body, Mind & Spirit
Want to free yourself and your environment from negative energies? These 7 energy cleansing rituals are the perfect way to get you started. Try a new one every day! #energycleansing #energycleansingrituals #energyclearing https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/energy-cleansing-rituals
Mantras to Remove Negative Energy: Mind,Body, Home
To stop negative thoughts, try reciting some mantras to remove negative energy. Let's discover how to put an end to the negativity cycle by bringing in positive energy with this simple method. #mantras #mantrastoremovenegativeenergy #removenegativeenergy https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/mantras-to-remove-negative-energy
Careers According to Chinese Animals
Eastern Astrology gives us valuable hints to uncover our true potential and follow a professional path that suits our skills and unique personality. Let's discover the most suitable careers according to Chinese Animals. #chineseanimals #chineseanimalsandcareers https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/careers-according-to-chinese-animals
How to Use the Chinese Medicine Clock for Wellness
The Chinese Medicine Clock has been a part of Chinese tradition for centuries. It can be a powerful tool for balancing our lives and maintaining good health. Let's discover more about this incredible method. #chinesemedicineclock https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/chinese-medicine-clock
How to Discover Your Lucky Feng Shui Direction
Almost every ancient civilization knew the importance of, and utilized knowledge of the natural world for their benefit. Knowing your favored feng shui direction can aid you in drawing success and positivity into many aspects of your life. #luckyfengshuidirection #fengshuidirection https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/feng-shui-direction
How to Use a Bagua Map to Improve Your Space
Thinking about using feng shui principles in your home to make it a haven of flourishing positive energy, but not sure how do you do it? It’s really not that difficult. Learning how to use a bagua map is a good starting point. #baguamap #bagua https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/how-to-use-a-bagua-map
Smoke Cleansing Chant
Discover different methods of cleansing - salt, smoke, sound, or sage. Embrace the power to let go of the old and welcome the new! Explore the world of Margana Magick Spell
Springtime cleaning ideas to banish negativity
The springtime is the prefect time to clean your home and banish negativity. Learn more about this season and some quick clean up ideas!
Energy Cleansing + Grounding Workshop — Two Wander x Elysium Rituals
Energy Cleansing + Grounding Techniques - 1hr Workshop. Learn about 44 of the best tips for coming back to centre! #energy #energycleanse #energycleansing #grounding #groundingtips #energyclearing