27 Pins
Bloomerang Donor Management and Fundraising Software for Nonprofits
Achieving 2018 Goals with a Weekly Action Board from your Vision Board
Achieving 2018 Goals with a Weekly #actionboard from your #visionboard #goals #newyearseve #resolutions #goals ~ A Mama's Corner of the World
Teaching Values through Service and Leadership in the Homeschool
Teaching Values through Service and Leadership - Day 3 | Our Journey Westward http://www.brucebugbee.com/
Decorate Bags for Meals on Wheels
Decorate lunch bags for your local meals on wheels organization. This super simple service learning activity will brighten someone's day with some simple art work.
The Giving Project - Learning at the Primary Pond
The Giving Project - Learning at the Primary Pond
Service Learning Projects for Classes - Kid World Citizen
Here are 19 service learning projects for kids to do at school in their classes to build empathy, while making the world a better place.