Ocean Energy 075

Energy in future from our Oceans.
35 Pins
Hurricane suppression system - Salter Sink | NextBigFuture.com
Energy from the sun heats up the surface of the ocean. As that heat irradiates up and fuels storms, they can become ever more dangerous hurricanes. Reducing their destructive potential is possible if we can just cool off the surface of the ocean. Even just one degree centigrade might be the difference between a category 4 or category 5 hurricane. This is a nearly ridiculous notion because of the scale involved. Thousands of square miles of ocean surface might need to be cooled off. The Salte...
A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float (Published 2020)
A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float - The New York Times
Energy Observer
ENERGY OBSERVER, le premier navire hydrogène autour du monde. L'odyssée pour le futur.
Belgisch bedrijf overweegt inzet van 'stroomboten' tegen energietekort
In België dreigt een stroomtekort door onderhoud aan zes van de zeven kernreactoren in het land.
Hoe we herrie in de zee proberen te beperken
Scheepvaart, bouwers van windmolens en defensie: allemaal nemen ze initiatieven voor minder herrieschade in de zee.
Cheap oil killed sailing ships. Now they’re back and totally tubular
In the increasingly desperate search for cheap, clean, sea power, one company has turned to a 100-year-old invention: a sail... that looks like a tube
10 Easy Tricks to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint | Buy Solar Cheap
Green Ocean Energy develops groundbreaking wave energy devices using digital prototyping - Clean Energy Investing from EcoPush http://ecopush.com
National Geographic Society Newsroom
Ocean warming and acidification have devastating effects on our oceans: coral bleaching, species migration, mollusks’ and planktons’ stunted growth are only some of the impacts our foss…Water Odyssey of Hope. We want to take these historic efforts to the next level, so the boat was transformed into a mixed-energy vessel (kite traction wind and hydrogen technologies were added, and integrated into the solar): a completely autonomous vehicle powered only by renewables.
What Kenya Can Do to Protect and Benefit From Ocean Resources
How Kenya Can Protect It’s Marine Resources to Reap Major Benefits Learn more by visiting us at: http://theterramarproject.org/thedailycatch Photo: Photo:
Desalination Breakthrough: Saving the Sea from Salt
Desalination Breakthrough: Saving the Sea from Salt A chemist finds a way to cut supersalty discharge and CO2 as the Middle East relies ever more on seawater desalination - Scientific American 6/6/16
Free and Alternative Energy - 21st Century energy solutions - 6 DVD-ROMs
Free and Alternative Energy - 21st Century energy solutions - 6 DVD-ROMs
Understanding Alternative Energies
Understanding Renewable Energy | Fix.com
Tidal lagoon: £1.3bn Swansea Bay project backed by review
Tidal lagoon: £1.3bn Swansea Bay project backed by review - BBC News